First Annual Lyonhearted Kickball Event
Today Lyonhearted Foundation had their first annual kickball event. With over 500 people in attendance and 39 kickball teams it was incredible turn out. The Alpine Community came out to support the Lyonhearted Foundation and Jason. There were teams from Christian High School, Madison High School, Granite Hills High School, and Cathedral High School. It was inspiring to see the community of young people come together to rally in support of their friends.
Cathedral High School is where Brycen, the young boy still battling brain cancer, goes to school. Lyonhearted was able to present him with a $10,000 check for him and his family to pay medical expenses. This was a touching moment to see Lyonhearted Foundation be able to accomplish part of its mission.
The day raised over $25,000 total. Today wouldn't have been possible without the Lyonhearted board as well as the volunteers. Lyonhearted would also like to thank all of the sponsors that donated money and time to this event. It was such a special day and Jason would have loved it.